Vegan Sikh Geek


February 10, 2015

I’m going to try my hand at blogging on a regular basis. Along the way, I’ll aim to try to write about new topics. Some things may work and others may not. Feedback will be much appreciated, so please drop a line with suggestions for content ideas, technical improvements or anything else that might help me or you.

If there’s anything that I write that resonates with you, please share it. If it helped you, it may help someone else. I’m making the conscious decision to not flood my personal social media account followers with my writings, so I’ve created new ones to push out the links. At the end of the post are the different ways to subscribe if you would like to receive alerts when there’s something new.

Here are some posts in no particular order that resonated with others to get started:
My Father - a reflection on the 10th Guru of the Sikhs
How I Rocked the Sun Run With No Training - a realization I had after running 10K on no training
Convincing Myself to Let Go - a difficult decision I had to make
Call it what it is - a plea to re-evaluate the terms behind which we hide to rationalize our actions
Punjabi-Style Suit Frustrations - a rant
I am in a conflicted state; am I allowed to call myself a Sikh? - a reply to a question from a reader
A Different Perspective on August 31, 1995 - a somewhat controversial stance I took on events that were taking place around the time of writing
Zelda - geeking out about two of my favourite games of all time
Vegan - my early journey in veganism; there’s been some change, but it’s nice to go back and see what it was like in the beginning

Facebook/Twitter - If you love your social network and prefer to get updates via the news feed/stream, you can like or follow these accounts. -

RSS - If you use Feedly, My Yahoo, or any other feed aggregator, you can subscribe with this URL:

Email - If you prefer to receive an email for new posts, you can sign up here:

Pushbullet - If you’re a geek like me, you might be getting notifications and sending/receiving files with this service. It’s available for desktop and mobile and you’ll get an alert wherever you have the app installed as soon as I post.

Navdeep Singh

Written by Navdeep Singh. His work is on GitHub. He's also on LinkedIn.